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::rtfm "idh_scripting_comref.htm#idh_sc_trim" //trim() - Strips spaces (or other characters) from the beginning and/or end of a string. ::rtfm "idh_scripting_comref.htm#idh_sc_substr" //substr() - Return part of a string. ::rtfm "idh_scripting_comref.htm#idh_sc_strreverse" //strreverse() - Reverses a string. ::rtfm "idh_scripting_comref.htm#idh_sc_strrepeat" //strrepeat() - Repeats a string. ::rtfm "idh_scripting_comref.htm#idh_sc_strpos" //strpos() - Return position of first occurrence of a string. ::rtfm "idh_scripting_comref.htm#idh_sc_strlen" //strlen() - Return the length of a string. ::rtfm "idh_scripting_comref.htm#idh_sc_replacelist" //replacelist() - Replaces substrings by list. ::rtfm "idh_scripting_comref.htm#idh_sc_replace" //replace() - Replace parts of a string. ::rtfm "idh_scripting_comref.htm#idh_sc_regexreplace" //regexreplace() - Replaces parts of a string, using a regular expression pattern. ::rtfm "idh_scripting_comref.htm#idh_sc_regexmatches" //regexmatches() - Returns a list of all matches of a regular expression pattern in a given string. ::rtfm "idh_scripting_comref.htm#idh_sc_recase" //recase() - Changes the case of a string. ::rtfm "idh_scripting_comref.htm#idh_sc_quote" //quote() - Double-quotes a string. ::rtfm "idh_scripting_comref.htm#idh_sc_lax" //lax() - Allows to define a string in a lax way. ::rtfm "idh_scripting_comref.htm#idh_sc_isunicode" //isunicode() - Analyzes a text string for the presence of wide characters. ::rtfm "idh_scripting_comref.htm#idh_sc_gettokenindex" //gettokenindex() - Returns the first index of a token in a token list, or the count of its occurrences. ::rtfm "idh_scripting_comref.htm#idh_sc_gettoken" //gettoken() - Returns a substring by index. ::rtfm "idh_scripting_comref.htm#idh_sc_formatlist" //formatlist() - Formats a list of items. ::rtfm "idh_scripting_comref.htm#idh_sc_format" //format() - Returns a string formatted. ::rtfm "idh_scripting_comref.htm#idh_sc_eval" //eval() - Evaluates an expression. ::rtfm "idh_scripting_comref.htm#idh_sc_compare" //compare() - Compares two strings. ::rtfm "idh_scripting_comref.htm#idh_sc_chr" //chr() - Returns a specific character.

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::rtfm "idh_scripting_comref.htm#idh_sc_charview" //charview - Shows the characters of a string in a vertical list in various encodings and notations. ::rtfm "idh_scripting_comref.htm#idh_sc_base64encode" //base64encode() - Encodes a string or file content in Base64. ::rtfm "idh_scripting_comref.htm#idh_sc_base64decode" //base64decode() - Decodes a Base64-encoded string or file.

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::rtfm "idh_scripting_comref.htm#idh_sc_asc" //asc() - Returns the ASCII value of a character.

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